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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

2SP & 2LS

Year 2 Teachers 

Miss Price

Meet the Teacher Miss Price

Mrs Semmens

Meet the Teacher Mrs Semmens



Here we are passionate about providing a high-quality education that inspires enthusiasm for learning. Year 2 is a crucial stage in your child's development, and we are committed to nurturing their curiosity and creativity.

Building on the strong foundations laid in Reception and Year 1, Year 2 is a time for significant growth and progress. Our dedicated teachers create a stimulating and supportive learning environment where children thrive. We encourage a love of learning through a rich and varied curriculum that balances academic rigour with fun and engaging activities.

Through strong partnerships between home and school, we work together to ensure your child reaches their full potential. We believe that by working closely with parents and carers, we can create a nurturing environment where children feel confident and happy to learn.

In Year 2, your child will develop essential skills in reading, writing, and mathematics while also exploring a wide range of subjects. Our focus on quality teaching and learning ensures that children make excellent progress and develop a strong foundation for future success.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to make Year 2 a truly memorable and rewarding experience.

Y2 Newsletter Autumn 2024

Y2 Home Learning Autumn 2024

Key Objectives Y2 Maths

Key Objectives Y2 Reading

Key Objectives Y2 Writing

KS1 Suggested Reading list

Power Maths KS1 Calculation Policy

Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words