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School Performance & Ofsted


The Radstone Primary School was inspected under the new Education Inspection Framework in January 2023. The outcomes were then published in February 2023.

The Radstone Primary Ofsted Report


Our parents were asked for their views on our school and responded using the Ofsted Parent View platform. The results of which can be seen here and certainly show the fantastic support we have from our parent community.

Ofsted Parent view results Jan 2023



School Performance

Here you will find details of pupil performance data over the past three years compared with national averages where they have been published. In addition, you can also visit the DfE's School Performance Page for statutory information.


Key Stage 2 Attainment

KS2 Pupil Attainment2023 TRPS2022 National
English - Reading86%73% (75%)
English grammar, punctuation & spelling79%72% (72%)
Mathematics72%73% (71%)
English - Writing (teacher assessment)79%71% (69%)
Science (teacher assessment)83%80% (70%)

Key Stage 1 Attainment

KS1 Pupil Attainment2023 TRPS2022 National Average2022 TRPS2019 TRPS
Y1 Phonics Screening88%75%84%83%
Phonics by Y2 (including re-takes)95%87%93%
KS1 Reading - pupils meeting expected standard74%67%80%78%
Reading - pupils meeting higher standard19%18%30%33%
KS1 Writing - Teacher assessment of pupils meeting expected standard65%58%73%78%
Writing - Teacher assessment of pupils meeting greater depth standard10%8%20%17%
KS1 Maths - pupils meeting expected standard70%68%80%72%
Maths - pupils meeting higher standard13%15%25%28%

Early Years Attainment

EYFS Attainment2023 TRPS2022 TRPS2019 TRPS
On Track GLD67%74%77%