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PE & Swimming

Athletic Excellence

We believe that PE and Sports are an integral part of every child’s education and development. We aim to inspire the next generation by providing a wide range of sporting opportunities that cater for children of all abilities. We feel that all children should have access to quality PE provision, with the intention of increasing the amount of young people taking part in regular sporting activity throughout their lives.

‘Anything is possible; don’t think limits.’ (Usain Bolt)

We are incredibly proud to have been awarded the gold level School Games award for the third time. This is following our continuing commitment to providing a wide range of competitive opportunities alongside promoting health and well-being, positive sporting values and skills development throughout school.

Physical Education

At The Radstone Primary School we place a great emphasis on developing PE and school sport opportunities for our children.

We want all children to leave our school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

We aim to achieve this by effective use of the School Sports Premium funding that we receive. The aims of this funding are:

  • To develop the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
  • To ensure the profile of PE and sport is being raised across the school.
  • To increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  • To provide a broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • To increase participation in competitive sport.


School Sports Clubs

We always work hard to provide a wide variety of sports clubs for the children that take place before and after school. These would not be possible without the dedicated staff who give up their own time to provide these for the children. The clubs do change with seasons and are in line with many of the local sporting competitions that are held each year.

Over the course of this year we aim to provide the following:

Football, Netball, Tag Rugby, Hockey, Sportshall Athletics, Dance, Cross Country, Track and Field, Cricket, Rounders, Tennis, Tri Golf, Arrows Archery, Multiskills, Gymnastics and probably a few others too!

For further information please visit the extra-curricular clubs section of our website.


We believe swimming is not only a first-class form of exercise but it is also a vital life skill and that is why we ensure that children from Year 2 right through to Year 6 have the opportunity to swim during the academic year. This has had a very positive impact on our swimming abilities as many of our children upon leaving Year 6 are able to swim the National Government requirement of 25 metres, with many able to swim a lot, lot further!

2022-23 Swimming Data

  • Percentage of Y6 pupils who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. 97%
  • Percentage of Y6 pupils who can use a range of strokes effectively. 93%
  • Percentage of Y6 pupils who can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 38%


Physical Education Vocabulary Progression

Physical Education Curriculum Overview